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Legal information and privacy rules


You are connected to the site de lacompany ABATEC

Contact details of the entity owning the website


19 rue Auguste Chabrières
75015 PARIS
Tel: 09 53 22 07 05

SARL au capital de 7500 € 
VAT number:  FR89492319678 
Siret: 49231967800016 PARIS 
APE code: 4399C 
SARL with a capital of 7500 €


Publishing Director and Publishing Manager



Design, production and hosting

Dominique Genet


Confidentiality and protection of personal data collected

Nature of personal information collected from the user

As part of its services (Submission of a service request, Submission of an opinion, Submission of a question, Order), ABATEC is required to collect personal information from users: Last name, first name, address, telephone and E-mail adress


Use of this information by the company

This information is collected because it is essential to provide the best service to the user. They are collected solely for this purpose.


Method of transferring data to third-party companies

Under no circumstances may this personal data be transferred to third-party companies.


Procedure in place to modify or delete this personal information or to deactivate it

The file on this site has been declared to the CNIL under number 1230905.

As such, the user has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him (art. 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés").

To exercise this right, contact ABATEC 19 rue Auguste Chabrières 75015 PARIS.


Limitation of Liability

ABATEC has drafted the content of this site with care and technicality and strives to ensure to the best of its ability the accuracy and updating of the information published on the site and reserves the right to modify the content at any time. As a result, the information and visuals disseminated are exclusively informative and can in no way constitute a contractual document that can form the basis of legal action. ABATEC cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage - whatever the cause, origin, nature and consequences - resulting from access to the site, its use or the impossibility of access it, as well as any damage to users' equipment.


Intellectual property

The entire site, and each of its elements taken separately, constitute a protected work and fall under French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. No commercial exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or complete of the elements of this site can be done without prior authorization. Violation of this intellectual and/or industrial property right is an offense of counterfeiting punishable by a 2-year prison sentence and a fine of 150,000 euros.


Jurisdiction clauses

This site being governed by French law, only the French courts will have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.


19 rue Auguste Chabrières

75015 PARIS

09 53 22 07 05

©2006 ABATEC Renovation - All rights reserved - LEGAL MENTIONS

entreprise de rénovation RGE Paris
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